We invite you to another Sunday at the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Concerts within the ‘Philharmonics play Chamber’ series take place on selected weekends at noon. At the same time, our Clef Lounge awaits the youngest music lovers. After the concert, you can still visit the gallery on the fourth floor and have lunch in our Symfonia Cafe.
For us, the descriptions of the following Sundays are an excuse to familiarise our guests with a little bit of the history of chamber music. It was no accident that it was once described as "room music". It was born in the chambers of palaces and salons of rich burghers. Mostly family members made music in them, often the hosts themselves. With time, professional musicians and famous artists began to be invited. A phenomenon was born that we could call today "saloning" – musical parties among friends and their trusted guests.
"Where the goal of music is not to arouse or calm feelings, it should at least focus our attention on itself and thus free us from the worries and worries of everyday life." These words of Giuseppe Cambini indicate that the genesis of chamber music is entertainment and rest, but from the beginning, it was common, home, friendly music. Johann Wolfgang Goethe recognized chamber music as a valuable proprium humanitatis. In the 20th century, chamber music in English literature began to be described as the music of friends.
This time Feelharmony Quintet will be the host. Musicians from the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra invite you to the circle of their family and friends.
Exhibition available during event:
Róże dla mamy | Dominik Tarabański „Chciałbym pokazać swojej mamie wszystkie stolice świata i jeszcze więcej. Zanim to zrobię, mam dla niej pocztówki i kwiaty. Róże dla matki”
Feelharmony Quintet I Philharmonics play chamber
23-02-2020 12:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin