Didn't we write a moment ago that we were visited by one of the leading early instrumental ensembles in the world? We are talking about a recent concert with Locatelli's music. If so – then the second one is about to visit us! As they say, ‘Not all orchestras are the same.’ It is so true!
As they write about themselves: ‘Just three decades ago a group of London musicians took a good look at this strange institution we call the orchestra and decided to start over. They started by throwing out all the rules that were in force until now. Accept one conductor? No way. Specialize in a particular era's repertoire? Too restrictive. Come to perfection to be able to move on? Too lazy to do it. The Age of Enlightenment Orchestra was born.’
To understand what OAE is, it's enough to meet its main artists. Simon Rattle was a young conductor whom OAE trusted at the beginning of its existence. Iván Fischer is a visionary who with this young orchestra has realized some of his most individual musical ideas. Mark Elder is still looking for elements of musical drawing: colour, shadow and lines. Vladimir Jurowski, a baton technician with an insatiable appetite for creative renewal, has extracted from the ensemble some of the most revealing sounds of recent years.
Today, OAE is valued more than ever. It still strives for change and still means excellence, diversity and exploration. And now more than three decades later there is still no other such an orchestra in the world.
Exhibition available during event:
Róże dla mamy | Dominik Tarabański „Chciałbym pokazać swojej mamie wszystkie stolice świata i jeszcze więcej. Zanim to zrobię, mam dla niej pocztówki i kwiaty. Róże dla matki”
Masters of BACH
21-02-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin