Their work juxtaposed, for example, with Esbjörn Svensson Trio, is characterized by pop rhythm, catchy melodies dressed in unpredictable forms and jazz-typical improvisation and syncopes. Tubis Trio is coming to the Philharmonic n Szczecin to present material from the third studio album, entitled ‘So Us’, released in December 2019.
Tubis Trio is an appreciated jazz trio both by critics and listeners, which since 2008 has been composed of Maciej Tubis, Paweł Puszczało and Przemek Pacan. In 2009 their album ‘Live In Luxembourg’ was chosen as one of the best jazz albums in the world according to the British magazine ‘Jazzwise’. Critics often emphasize that Tubis Trio are extremely well-coordinated, perfectly complementing each other, forming one organism, each of them equally creating the sound of the band. Their strength is energy and dynamic play, which work especially well during concerts.
The craftsmanship and professionalism of the musicians go hand in hand with the accessibility of the music they create. They refer to various musical styles. When they reach for pop music themes, they do it with a huge artistic sense, and when they create melodic compositions, they never fall into triviality. They balance between genres, blurring borders, creating good music for people with different musical tastes, also for those who are not jazz fans, and for those who as listeners take their first steps in jazz.
The third studio album brings eight new compositions. Its title ‘So Us’ can be understood as ‘It is so typical of us’. This is a continuation of the style that Tubis Trio developed on previous albums, but here there is even more energy and melody.
Exhibition available during event:
Śmieję się, aż zasnę | Wystawa zbiorowaIlu nas jest to kolektyw ilustratorski, w skład którego wchodzą Pola Augustynowicz, Joanna Bartosik, Łukasz Drzycimski, Grzegorz Myćka, Dorota Piechocińska, Olek Pujszo i Ola Szmida. Artyści cyklem wystaw w całej Polsce pod tytułem „Śmieję się, aż zasnę” starają się przybliżyć szerszej publiczności swoją pracę.
Tubis Trio
10-02-2020 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin