Last season we hosted the greatest Lithuanian conductor Juozas Domarkas, with whom we performed the symphonic poem ‘The Sea’ by Čiurlionis. This time an orchestra comes to visit us, which he created as a young conductor sixty years ago. Many years of cooperation with the Republic of Lithuania once again results in a great musical event. More importantly, the winner of the second prize in the 2010 Chopin Competition comes with the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra.
"Geniušas gives the impression that he knows how to do everything better than others." Perverse is the opinion quoted on the artist's website. Loved for brilliance and maturity, Lukas Geniušas has been performing in the most prestigious concert halls in the world since 2010: Wigmore Hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Salle Gaveau, Auditorium du Louvre, Frick Collection New York, Phillips Collection, Gilmore Keyboard Festival, Teatro Carlo Felice, Sala Verdi in Milan and Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. It will not be much of a surprise if we add that he has played with the most outstanding conductors and orchestras. Since 2015, Lukas Geniušas has also been taking part in the project ‘Looking for the stars’, which involves giving concerts in places such as hospitals, prisons and shelters and bringing music to people who have no chance to listen to it live.
The evening program will make a great concert. The symphonic poem ‘In the forest’ is a symbolic work of the composer, who was also a talented painter sensitive to the aesthetics of colour. And the concerto by Rachmaninoff and Beethoven's ‘Pastoral’ Symphony are certainly known even to those who will treat this excellent opportunity as an excuse to visit us for the first time.
Exhibition available during event:
Śmieję się, aż zasnę | Wystawa zbiorowaIlu nas jest to kolektyw ilustratorski, w skład którego wchodzą Pola Augustynowicz, Joanna Bartosik, Łukasz Drzycimski, Grzegorz Myćka, Dorota Piechocińska, Olek Pujszo i Ola Szmida. Artyści cyklem wystaw w całej Polsce pod tytułem „Śmieję się, aż zasnę” starają się przybliżyć szerszej publiczności swoją pracę.
Mecenasem koncertu jest Konsulat Republiki Litewskiej w Szczecinie.
Partnerami koncertu są Polska Żegluga Morska, C.Hartwig Szczecin, Port Szczecin-Świnoujście oraz Bulk Cargo-Port Szczecin.



Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra I BEETHOVEN 250
05-02-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin