The previous piano years in our Philharmonic featured wonderful recitals of young artists at the forefront of the piano world. In both the chamber and symphony halls, we have encountered all of the sound palettes, the whole range of composers and many interpretations, which simultaneously reached the top of international popularity. We will continue this program line soon, and meanwhile this season we are giving the stage to a new look at the piano. We invite you to the first concert in which the sound of the piano will be recomposed.
Bringing out all the intimacy from the mechanics of the instrument, making it something close, intoxicating, ‘like a good wine for courage while writing love letters’, introducing harmony with simple sounds and their arrangements...
This is the repertoire from the album ‘Esja’ by Hania Rani that is pianist Hanna Raniszewska. This is her first solo album, released by the prestigious British label Gondwana Records. Our new piano proposal could not miss this unique artist and her music.
Hania Rani is a talented pianist, composer and singer, co-creator of the projects Tęskno and Hania Rani & Dobrawa Czocher. Additionally, she collaborates and performs with artists such as Christian Löffler (Nest project), Hior Chronik, Igor Herbut, Kamp and Misia Furtak. The first single ‘Glass’ was premiered by Mary Anne Hobbs in a broadcast for BBC Radio 6. A month after the album's premiere she has sold out concerts in Warsaw, London and Paris, and her musical achievements are written about by the press throughout Europe.
Exhibition available during event:
Róże dla mamy | Dominik Tarabański „Chciałbym pokazać swojej mamie wszystkie stolice świata i jeszcze więcej. Zanim to zrobię, mam dla niej pocztówki i kwiaty. Róże dla matki”Partnerem koncertu jest Szczecińska Izba Adwokacka.
Mecenasem koncertu jest Multi Projekt.
Mecenas koncertu

Partner koncertu

Hania Rani [CANCELED]
11-03-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin