The Beethoven Year is an opportunity to hear many of the composer's works at our Philharmonic. In the second half of the season, we focused heavily on him and his works including Missa Solemnis, symphonies, orchestral, chamber and solo works. In addition to our orchestra, we also host other ensembles that join the celebration. This time the orchestra of the National Forum of Music will perform at our Philharmonic. Since we write extensively about Beethoven in the descriptions of seven other concerts, it would be worth noting the proposals accompanying the Violin Concerto.
Anton Weber in his youth was accused of imitating Beethoven in some of his works. In 1809, in a letter to one such accuser, he expresses his disagreement with the fact that he could copy someone, especially Beethoven, "with whose views he disagrees radically." Weber strives for "clarity, restraint and feelings," while Beethoven must "refrain from his extravagant fantasy," clearly organizing his ideas and stop striving for novelty. Each of us will be able to assess these similarities and differences individually.
Bruckner was also compared to Beethoven because he also wrote nine symphonies (he did not finish the last). His style, however, was also shaped by Schumann, Mendelssohn, and above all Wagner. Much later in his life, Bruckner noticed that "I have never been brave and bold" as when writing his first symphony. Particularly spectacular is its finale, where it boldly, and above all masterfully uses counterpoint in the treatment of three highly opposing thematic ideas. And here is another parallel with Beethoven's personality.
Exhibition available during event:
Ecce homo | Krystyna ŁyczywekBohaterem reportaży Krystyny Łyczywek jest przede wszystkim człowiek i jego środowisko. W roku setnych urodzin artystki przyjrzymy się wybranym fotografiom, reprezentującym siedemdziesięcioletni okres jej twórczości.
National Forum of Music I BEETHOVEN 250 [CANCELED]
28-03-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin