Who has not heard the story of the wonderful, unsurpassed and legendary Ada Sari...? Especially for her, Arturo Toscanini himself postponed the premiere of ‘The Magic Flute’ several times because he could not imagine this performance without the world's greatest coloratura soprano. Her artistic activity, lifestyle, adventures, stage creations and countless anecdotes are material not only for articles and books but also for many feature films!
After intense years of concert tours, after singing all of the most famous opera roles, having performed countless recitals and concerts, Ada Sari returned to Warsaw. Over the following years, she educated over a hundred students. The memory of her is alive to this day due to the festival and competition of her name which has been taking place since 1985.
Annually, the Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Festival And Competition attract eminent singers and musicians from around the world to Nowy Sącz. Ewelina Osowska is the winner of the last edition, who like the patron of the competition is a coloratura soprano. She is a graduate of the Vocal and Acting Department of the I.J. Paderewski Music Academy in Poznań, as well as the Department of String Instruments, Harp, Guitar and Violin in the Violin class. She made her debut in 2019, playing the role of Kunegunda in the opera ‘Candide’ by L. Berstein at the Baltic Opera.
She has taken part in numerous international masterclasses conducted, among others, by Piotr Miciński, Anna Mikołajczyk, Jerzy Artysz, Olga Pasiecznik and Izabela Kłosińska. She has collaborated with orchestras, including Gorzów Philharmonic, Poznań Philharmonic, Baltic Opera, Poznań Grand Theater, Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense.
Exhibition available during event:
Róże dla mamy | Dominik Tarabański „Chciałbym pokazać swojej mamie wszystkie stolice świata i jeszcze więcej. Zanim to zrobię, mam dla niej pocztówki i kwiaty. Róże dla matki”
Laureate of the Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Festival And Competition
04-03-2020 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin