Incurable showman, who “was constantly taken care of by his manager and secretary". Female fans collect butts from his cigars and collect coffee grounds he drank into glass vials. In the largest concert tour around Europe, lasting a total of eight years, he gave over a thousand concerts. He often goes drunk on stage, although he always plays in a "dazzling" way. Accepted like a king. Is this any of today's stars? No, he is Franz Liszt, pianist and composer of the Romantic era, in the best years of his career.
In comparison with the complicated biographies of many other 19th-century composers, it is impossible to ignore Liszt's biography when listening to his works. It could be used as a material for the next long, but good TV series. When he was young, he was discovered by the world as a wonder child. He was perceived by his contemporaries not because of his talent as a composer, but as a controversial and scandalous private life. At the same time, he was a great animator of concert life, living alternately in Budapest, Weimar and Rome. We regret that the number of characters limits us in this text. Please refer to the biography of Liszt.
Meanwhile, his ‘Faust Symphony’ see the light of day, which was written in the years when Franz Liszt lived in Weimar. It is worth noting that it was he who first created the symphonic poem as a form of musical work. It was probably born of the composer's rejection of the traditional sonata allegro form and the desire to "return to the unity of music and poetry." Because in those years Liszt lived in an illegitimate relationship with duchess Caroline von Sayn-Wittgenstein, we can put forward the thesis that Liszt ideally combined his postulates with his life attitude. We really recommend reading his biography.
‘Faust Symphony’ is three symphonic poems: ‘Faust’, ‘Gretchen’ and "Mephistopheles". Particularly noteworthy is the theme of the first part, composed of all twelve notes of the scale, with which Liszt (properly using the dodecaphonic scale) overtook his era by several dozens of years. The musical portraits of the heroes of Goethe's drama abound in many more surprises. We are sure that Liszt repeated many times in his life words that Doctor Faust was supposed to say only once: "Beautiful moment, do not pass away!".
Exhibition available during event:
Róże dla mamy | Dominik Tarabański „Chciałbym pokazać swojej mamie wszystkie stolice świata i jeszcze więcej. Zanim to zrobię, mam dla niej pocztówki i kwiaty. Róże dla matki”
Tebar I LISZT I Faust Symphony [CANCELED]
13-03-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin