We adopted a certain program line in which we perform the most monumental symphonic works. Some of them are great milestones that changed musical eras. Others are real monuments more durable than bronze, built for the glory of ideas and their time. The next ones are masterpieces that until now have rarely or never sounded in our city. And in this way, we not only refer to history but also together with you we constantly create it.
The ‘Alpine Symphony’ by Richard Strauss is a great musical poem that, like all the poems of the composer, bears a story with a philosophical message. It starts with a night motif, during which only the majestic mountain outline can be seen. A few minutes later the landscape is illuminated by the rising sun.
Mountain climbers start climbing together with the rising motif accompanying them in music. They witness a hunting, go past a waterfall, meadows, and pastures, waterfall, glacier and reach the summit. Although they are surprised by the storm on the way back (the musical theme of the descent is, of course, the reverse of the first one), right after dark they are safely back at the foot of the mountain again.
All these elements are reflected in the music performed by the powerful 120-member orchestra, which includes not only Wagnerian tubas and pipe organ but also a whole set of percussion, imitating thunder, nature sounds and creating the atmosphere.
The Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Antoni Wit. The famous director of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw has become one of the most respected Polish conductors around the world. His name has forever entered the history of music. This evening will also go down in the history of our city.
Exhibition available during event:
Śmieję się, aż zasnę | Wystawa zbiorowaIlu nas jest to kolektyw ilustratorski, w skład którego wchodzą Pola Augustynowicz, Joanna Bartosik, Łukasz Drzycimski, Grzegorz Myćka, Dorota Piechocińska, Olek Pujszo i Ola Szmida. Artyści cyklem wystaw w całej Polsce pod tytułem „Śmieję się, aż zasnę” starają się przybliżyć szerszej publiczności swoją pracę.
Antoni Wit I Alpine Symphony
31-01-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin