‘We have a lot of phenomena related to pre-war recently. (...) The Jazz Band Młynarski-Masecki constitutes the Himalayas of this phenomenon in purely musical terms’ – wrote Bartek Chaciński after the release of the album’ Night in the Big City’ in 2017. In 2020, the musicians will appear in the Philharmonic with new material, still referring to the golden age of great dance orchestras.
In Szczecin, Jazz Band Młynarski – Masecki will present songs from the second album recorded in May 2019. These are Polish songs from several decades ago recorded in orchestral arrangements, for which Marcin Masecki is, of course, responsible. The material was recorded on tape at Tonn Studio in Łódź. The mix and mastering were made in a fully analogue environment, and the mix was checked in mono.
The album ‘Night in a Big City’, which was released by Lado ABC / Agora, was met with an extremely warm reception from listeners and warm words from critics. The voice (including the crooner's manner) of Jan Emil Młynarski and (modern) arrangements of Marcin Masecki ‘restored’ an important fragment of Polish musical creativity – the work of a generation of Polish entertainment artists, which was interrupted by the outbreak of World War II. This music performed by the Jazz Band is current and in a good sense utilitarian, i.e. danceable. Jazz Band's repertoire includes mostly unknown songs, and the whole undertaking was focused on the works of Henryk Wars and Adam Aston.
Exhibition available during event:
Śmieję się, aż zasnę | Wystawa zbiorowaIlu nas jest to kolektyw ilustratorski, w skład którego wchodzą Pola Augustynowicz, Joanna Bartosik, Łukasz Drzycimski, Grzegorz Myćka, Dorota Piechocińska, Olek Pujszo i Ola Szmida. Artyści cyklem wystaw w całej Polsce pod tytułem „Śmieję się, aż zasnę” starają się przybliżyć szerszej publiczności swoją pracę.
Fotorelacja - 2020-01-26 - Jazz Band Młynarski-Masecki, fot. Cezary Aszkiełowicz
Mecenasem koncertu jest Natural Skin Clinic.
Mecenas koncertu

Jazz Band Młynarski–Masecki
26-01-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin