We are pleased to invite you to the ‘Presidential Concert’ at our Philharmonic. This is a special annual event. This time we will look for Polish sounds and we will consider how Poland and its sound can become an inspiration not only for music.
Marcin Wyrostek and the Corazon group have toured with Balkan, Argentine and Latin American repertoire for years. During this time they have had the opportunity to learn about many parts of Poland and their musical culture, which inspired pieces that appeared on the ensemble’s next album.
As Daniel Popiałkiewicz says: ‘Until now I have known only the tip of Polish music. Thanks to the work on this recording, I have reached a little deeper with a scoop and I am currently very impressed with, for example, the bitonality in Szymanowski's mazurkas, or how strong the impact of a lack of harmonic and functional weights can be, as in Górecki's piece.’ We would also draw some attention to the strong vocal idiom in Jewish instrumental music!
The program of the evening will include songs inspired by Polish traditional, film and Jewish music as well as by Polish folk dances, and compositions by great masters, including Górecki, Kilar, Lutosławski, and Szymanowski. There will also be themes taken from popular music of the 1960s and 1970s. Not only the Philharmonic Orchestra but also the President of Szczecin invites you to a musical journey through Poland.
Exhibition available during event:
Lśnienie | Michał ZaborowskiWedług Michała Zaborowskiego malarstwo powinno być sensualne, a nie intelektualne czy analityczne. Powstaje z mieszaniny ducha modela, sytuacji, w jakiej jest uchwycony, oraz światła. Wystawa nasycona będzie zarówno tradycyjnym malarstwem na płótnie, jak i lekkimi, niedopowiedzianymi i spontanicznymi pracami na papierze.
Partnerem koncertu jest MaxMara.

Presidential Concert | Marcin Wyrostek & CORAZON
11-01-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin