Since its early formation, almost three hundred years ago, the piano has remained one of the most inspiring instruments. It quickly took a place at the root of all music creation. It would seem that every experiment (not just musical) has already been carried out on the piano. Still, again and again, someone brings out a completely new quality from it. This is the case with Aleksander Dębicz as well.
Aleksander Dębicz is a winner of the Transatlantyk Instant Composition Contest, in which artists improvise music to a film screened to the audience. Thanks to this victory, he recorded his debut album for WM Poland entitled ‘Cinematic Piano’.
My favourite composer is Thomas Newman, who wrote the music for films such as ‘American Beauty’, ‘Finding Nemo’, ‘Skyfall’ and ‘Revolutionary Road’. Among other things, I can listen to the soundtrack from this last film endlessly. How Newman managed to convey his ambivalence of feelings is amazing! And on so many levels! I'm impressed by some of Newman’s composing solutions and by the way he combines the beauty of living instruments with electronics. I also love the music of John Williams, whom I consider to be the greatest composer of film music, a living legend. I am delighted by the music of Alexandre Desplat and many, many other composers.
The album immediately became a bestseller and remains at the forefront of selling classical music records. However, during the concert at our Philharmonic, we will hear its new chapter. In addition to pieces from the album, Aleksander Dębicz will perform completely new compositions, inspired not only by the big screen but also by many experiences that he had accumulated since the release of ‘Cinematic Piano’.
Partnerem koncertu jest Szczecińska Izba Adwokacka.

Cinematic Piano. New chapter [CANCELED]
22-04-2020 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin