Passion for pathos, great gestures, extensive orchestral cast, and the inclination to catchy lyric melodies are the hallmarks of the music of Romanticism – the era that began in the first half of the nineteenth century, which in the hearts of some artists, survived until the mid-twentieth century (and perhaps till today).
Among the leading representatives of late German Romanticism is Anton Bruckner – his fourth (most popular) Symphony in E flat major does not accidentally also bear the subtitle "Romantic". It comes from Bruckner himself, although he was suggested by his friends who saw in the work images of medieval knights, castles, and scenes of hunting, thus typical inspirations of romantic artists. This composition is known not only for its romantic character and catchy phrases, but also for the incredible number of versions and corrections the author brought to the work over the following 14 years from its inception in 1874.
Violinist Michael Barenboim will perform one of the most famous violin concertos, the work of the "late" Russian Romantic Alexander Glazunov. Concert in A minor, Op. 82 was created in 1904 for Leopold Auer and thanks to its virtuoso character, especially in cadence, gained considerable popularity among violinists. Zygmunt Noskowski belongs to the “late” Polish Romantics. The inspiration of nature and the Polish landscape played an important role in the composer's work, as exemplified by the artist's early work – the concert overture "Lake in the Tatras" op. 19 from 1875.
Exhibition available during event:
Arytmia | Tomasz LubaszkaOparte na rytmiczności kompozycji malarstwo Tomasza Lubaszki precyzyjnie operuje napięciem. Przyciąga widza i wprowadza go w harmonijny, monochromatyczny świat kolorów i płaszczyzn. Płynące z obrazów wrażenie intymności i medytacyjności stanowi kontrapunkt do monumentalności, którą artysta osiąga poprzez skrupulatną redukcję krajobrazu do jego abstrakcji. Tu świat jest tylko pretekstem do malarskich eksperymentów z formą i barwą, w wyniku których powstają kadry cudownie proste i w tajemniczy sposób złożone.
Noskowski | Glazunov | Bruckner
07-12-2018 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin