Eva Quartet – hailed as the best vocal group in Bulgaria. Its members also sing in the legendary choir Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares. This ensemble was formed spontaneously in 1995. Excellent skills, experience and heart led to a perfect consonance of the singers, which gives the impression of one powerful voice. All this with full respect of the rules and regulations of the traditional music of the country of Golden Sands, Rhodopes and the Black Sea. The group’s repertoire consists of traditional Bulgarian songs from different regions of the country, which at the same time are a reading of the original scores in a modern way. In addition to traditional songs, the ensemble performs sacral music and new compositions. Eva Quartet also likes to experiment and collaborate with artists from other genres, such as jazz, contemporary music, electronic music, and music from other parts of the world.
In their over twenty-year history they have performed at many European festivals, e.g. Rudolstadt and Danube Festival. An interesting fact is the Polish accent in the history of the group: participation in music recordings by Krzesimir Dębski for the film "Stara Baśń" and a performance with the band Trebunie Tutki at a concert dedicated to the memory of Czesław Niemen.
Exhibition available during event:
Arytmia | Tomasz LubaszkaOparte na rytmiczności kompozycji malarstwo Tomasza Lubaszki precyzyjnie operuje napięciem. Przyciąga widza i wprowadza go w harmonijny, monochromatyczny świat kolorów i płaszczyzn. Płynące z obrazów wrażenie intymności i medytacyjności stanowi kontrapunkt do monumentalności, którą artysta osiąga poprzez skrupulatną redukcję krajobrazu do jego abstrakcji. Tu świat jest tylko pretekstem do malarskich eksperymentów z formą i barwą, w wyniku których powstają kadry cudownie proste i w tajemniczy sposób złożone.
Eva Quartet
04-12-2018 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin