Contemporary percussion is a combination of dance, theatrical performance, magical ritual and, thanks to one of the artists, it allows us to extract from the varied percussion instrumentarium a richness of colors close to a symphonic orchestra. The multitude of instruments and the possibilities of combining them make contemporary composers happy to write for drummers, and for audiences who usually avoid contemporary music concerts yet leave percussion concerts amazed and fascinated.
Such a percussive performance will be provided for a Szczecin audience by Alexej Gerassimez, a German drummer and at the same time composer from the young generation. The artist will present four of his own compositions – for marimba, snare drum and ... a bottle, showing that commonplace objects can also become musical instruments.
This theatrical and multimedia element will be clearly accentuated in Casey Cangelosi's piece ‘Bad Touch’ from 2013. This composition is designed to be performed in complete darkness with the use of tape and special lighting, while the drummer becomes more of a mime actor for a moment than a musician.
The ‘Blues for Gilbert’ for vibraphone by Mark Glentworth has a completely different vibe. The work was based on improvisation by the drummer- composer, which was later transcribed. The whole composition is kept in a cool jazz style.
‘Temazcal’ by Mexican Javier Alvarez has a theatrical dimension too, and like the composition ‘Bad Touch’ uses an electro acoustic layer, combined with the acoustic sound of a pair of maracas. The performer improvises on the basis of rhythmic patterns straight from South American traditional music with electronic sounds in the background.
The crowning jewel of the concert will be one of the most popular, and regarded as most difficult, compositions by Greek artist Iannis Xenakis, ‘Rebonds B’. The main assumption of the composer was to create the sound effect of a performance by several people – one drummer has therefore to perform on several different types of drums and five woodblocks a number of independent rhythms. Both the sound effect of this work and its visual aspect will remain unforgettable.
Exhibition available during event:
Po drugiej stronie grani | Anna ReinertAnna Reinert przez ostatnich 15 lat znajdowała inspirację dla swego malarstwa w żywiole geometrycznego miasta. Dzisiaj, przechodząc przez symboliczną grań swojego życia, znalazła się wśród ośnieżonych szczytów gór wysokich. Tak oto góry określiły ją na nowo jako artystkę, jako malarza. W jaki sposób przepływa inspiracja, która w miejskiej bryle szczecińskiej Filharmonii pozwala zobaczyć ostre szczyty ze zdjęć Mieczysława Karłowicza.
Percussion Recital I Alexej Gerassimez
23-01-2019 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin