In the 21st century, the idea of making music together and family singing seems completely dead, carols and pastorals remain the only musical genre that still incites the majority of "non-singers" to group singing on a daily basis. Although performed only during the Christmas season, they still can arouse joy and unite people in common singing. On Christmas "playlists", these traditional Polish songs are often mixed with carols from around the world, as well as contemporary secular songs in pop and jazz arrangements. The most famous Christmas carols from all over the world will be performed by West Side Sinfonietta musicians together with the Don-Diri-Don – Children's Choir of the West-Pomeranian University of Technology.
Béla Bartók's "Romanian folk dances" refer to folk traditions. The suite consisting of six parts performed attacca was created in 1915 and is based on folk melodies and rhythms of traditional dances from different regions of Romania. Although the immediate theme of the suite is not festive, dances with their lively character reflect well the atmosphere accompanying Christmas customs.
Christmas in a more secular entertaining form will be represented by "A Christmas festival", written by American composer and conductor Leroy Anderson. He is the composer of many hits resembling more lighthearted genres, although he also penned several orchestral pieces such as “The syncopated clock", “The Typewriter" and the Christmas song "Sleigh Ride". There are also other pieces included from the 1915 "A Christmas festival", from which we will hear "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells".
Exhibition available during event:
ADOLESCENT | Wystawa zbiorowaDo projektu Fundacji Upside Art „Adolescent” zostali zaproszeni:
Michał Banasik, Rafał Kowalski, Paweł Książek, Bartek Otocki, Łukasz Patelczyk, Piotr Pauk, Remigiusz Suda, SIKSA, Katarzyna Szeszycka, Anna Taut, Damian „Czarnobyl” Terlecki, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Małgorzata Wielek-Mandrela, Kacper Zieliński. Są to uznani artyści wypowiadający się głównie w medium malarskim, jednakże nie wszyscy użyli tego środka wyrazu w odpowiedzi. Większość z kilkudziesięciu prac, które zostaną zaprezentowane na tej wystawie to realizacje premierowe.
Szczecin–Wrocław | Christmas carols of the world
05-01-2019 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin