Before she started her solo activity, she had been associated with expressive ensembles of an alternative music scene: Rasputin as well as Antony and the Johnsons. Her song "Gardermoen" from her debut solo album was on the soundtrack of "All Cheyenne's Odds" with Sean Penn in the title role. Julia Kent – cellist, composer, close to the modern classical trend.
She started her solo career in 2007, and in January 2019 her sixth album, entitled Temporal, was released. It exhibits music which was originally created for theatrical and dance performances. The material touches on topics such as transience, volatility, fragility. It is a piece of unhurried, delicate music, enriched with recordings of voices from performances and electronic sounds.
Julia Kent, apart from her own productions, creates music for theatre, dance and film. Among others, she was responsible for the soundtrack for the film produced by Milos Forman "A Short History of Decay" directed by Michael Maren and for the music for the film "Oasis", which received the award for the best short film at the European Cinema Festival in Seville.
The works of Julia Kent can be contrasted with the works of, among others, Poppy Ackroyd, Nils Frahm and A Winged Victory for the Sullen. Her compositions fascinate both classical and ambient music lovers. During the concerts, she uses the Ableton Live application to loop the fragments played on the cello and records the songs using the Pro Tools platform. She performs at various festivals, such as Primavera Sound in Barcelona and the Unsound Festival, which took place in New York.
Exhibition available during event:
Lśnienie | Michał ZaborowskiWedług Michała Zaborowskiego malarstwo powinno być sensualne, a nie intelektualne czy analityczne. Powstaje z mieszaniny ducha modela, sytuacji, w jakiej jest uchwycony, oraz światła. Wystawa nasycona będzie zarówno tradycyjnym malarstwem na płótnie, jak i lekkimi, niedopowiedzianymi i spontanicznymi pracami na papierze.
Lab 3: Julia Kent
14-12-2019 20:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin