"Once upon an Ear" is a concert integrating little artists with hearing impairment and experienced musicians of the Orchestra. The event is the result of musical workshops organised for children with hearing and speech problems whose hearing ability is supported by hearing aids and implants. "Once upon an Ear" is a musical story about one of the most important human senses – hearing. The children will serve as musicians and actors, actively participating in the concert, and they will be accompanied with music composed for this occasion. Arrangements were prepared by Jacek Wierzchowski – experienced composer of music for theatre, teacher, drummer of the Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Music Cracker - Once upon an Ear
29-09-2015 10:00 | 29-09-2015 12:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin