„Młoda a zdecydowana. Gra na czym chce i jak chce. Śpiewa” – tak o bezkompromisowej Julii Marcel mówi dziennikarka muzyczna Agnieszka Szydłowska. „The Guardian” porównuje ją do Tori Amos i Reginy Spector. Gwiazda sceny alternatywnej. Jej pierwszy krążek „It Might Like You” nagrała dzięki wsparciu ludzi z całego świata.
"Young and determined. Playing on what she wants and how she wants. She sings"- thus the uncompromising Julia Marcel is described by Polish music journalist Agnieszka Szydłowska. "The Guardian" compares her to Tori Amos and Regina Spector. A star of the alternative scene. She recorded her first album "It Might Like You" with the support of people from all over the world. This girl from Olsztyn raised more than $ 50,000 from the fans who had invested their money in her talent. At the Philharmonic, the artist will conquer the hearts of listeners along with the conductor Adam Sztaba. This duo has already had the occasion to meet on stage at the National Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw; they will further explore their artistic potential on the stage of Szczecin Philharmonic.
Fotorelacja - 2015.10.18 - Julia Marcell i Filharmonicy, fot. Sebastian Wołosz
Julia Marcell and the Philharmonics
18-10-2015 17:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin