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SOUNDLAB to podróż, w której słuchacze odwiedzą surrealistyczne przestrzenie, gdzie czeka sonorystyczna awangarda. Pierwsza odsłona projektu to spotkanie z prekursorami elektroniki.
SOUNDLAB is a journey, in which students will visit surreal spaces where sonorous avantgarde will be awaiting them. The first stage of the project is the meeting with the pioneers of electronics.
Fifteen thousand kilometers of radio tape passed through the hands of Eugeniusz Rudnik during his 50 years of work with music. Today Rudnik is a living legend, inspiration for artists of experimental techno, ambient, industrial-bruitistic trend or incorporation of electronics into classical music.
Kazimierz Serocki is primarily known as one of the organizers of the "Warsaw Autumn". "Pianophonie" is his latest composition and also the first in which he applied measures of electronic music; they are treated as one of the orchestra instruments. According to Zygmunt Krauze, composer and pianist, Serocki was "the most sublime Polish composer in the field of instrumentation. His sound concepts were exceptionally innovative, yet convenient for performers".
Sound experiments of this generation of artists enabled the next-generation approach to music in a new dimension. Focusing on sound dressed in minimalist form has become the hallmark of Philip Glass, one of the most popular composers of the twentieth century. Music from the films "The Hours, "The Truman Show "- as well as his concert "The American Four Seasons" – are a demonstration of an individual language deeply embedded in popular culture.
Fotorelacja - 2015.10.16 - LAB 1: El-symphony, fot. Maciej Cybulski
Fotorelacja - 2015.10.16 - LAB 1: El-symphony, fot. Szymon Karpierz
Project "SOUNDLAB – filharmoniczne laboratorium muzyki elektronicznej w Szczecinie" ["SOUNDLAB – philharmonic laboratory of electronic music in Szczecin"] has been co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

LAB 1: El-symphony
16-10-2015 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin