I am filled with happiness at the opportunity to show that my homeland means more to me than anything else – with these words, Bedřich Smetana, the creator of Czech national music, summarised his extraordinary legacy and became a model of an author in our neighbouring country. In 1924, the
Year of Czech Music was established on the centenary of his birth. One hundred years later, this year, Smetana's homeland is celebrating again. On this occasion, concerts are being organised worldwide, composers are writing new pieces, and performers are applauded on countless stages. In the Szczecin Philharmonic, we will also have the opportunity to experience this extraordinary event.
The concert program includes three pieces by Czech composers, written primarily for this year's celebration of the Czech Music Year. Mikuláš Tichý, Jana Vöröšová, and Jiří Trtík are graduates of Prague universities, and their artistic careers have taken them to places such as Paris, Brussels, and the USA. Tichý combines classical music with minimalism and believes that music is the Esperanto of human souls. Vöröšová bases her work on various methods of musical analysis and experiments with the latest technologies in electronically processed sound. Trtík, the artistic director of STRO.MY Ensemble is also the author of the opera Letter to Father, which premiered in June of this year at the National Theatre in Prague. This evening will guide us through the multidimensional world of the latest Czech music.
STRO.MY Ensemble is a musical group whose performances are based on an innovative approach to music: they combine musical, visual, and performative elements into a cohesive whole. The ensemble was founded in 2021 by composer and conductor Jiří Trtík-the main goal of STRO.MY Ensemble is to premiere the works of contemporary composers and collaborate with artists from various fields of art. It has been hailed as a true innovation in classical music.
Projekt realizowany jest przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Kultury Republiki Czeskiej.
Ambasador Republiki Czeskiej Břetislav Dančák objął swym patronatem honorowym wydarzenie pod nazwą Czeski weekend w Filharmonii im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie.
Marszałek Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego Olgierd Geblewicz objął swym patronatem honorowym wydarzenie pod nazwą Czeski weekend w Filharmonii im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie.

Honorary Patronage
