As part of the #1884 project, we invite you for a spectacular multimedia show that will bring to life the history of the pre-war Konzerthaus thanks to the 3D mapping technique. The unique projection will be displayed on the walls of the Philharmonic Hall, creating an immersive experience that will take viewers back to the glory days of the former Concert Hall.
Archival photos and visual materials combined with modern technology will allow participants to see what the Konzerthaus looked like, as well as to learn about its role in the cultural life of pre-war Szczecin. Thanks to modern visual techniques, including 3D mapping, viewers will see an extremely suggestive reconstruction of the past, reviving the architecture and atmosphere of old times.
The show has been planned for several days so that everyone can experience this unique journey into the past.
The show's authors
The team Pushka Studio, consisting of Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba and Jakub Cwajda, is responsible for the production of this show. The artists, fascinated by new media and technologies, are experts in the fields of 3D animation, content production, 3D video mapping and multimedia installations. Their projects engage all the senses, creating immersive experiences. Driven by passion and creativity, Pushka Studio specializes in creating advanced, multimedia solutions that inspire and delight audiences. The team is known for many innovative projects that combine art, technology and emotions into one coherent whole.
The "1884" project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (Small Projects Fund under the Cooperation Program Interreg VI A Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg/Poland 2021-2027) under the specific objective 4.6 "Culture and sustainable tourism".
The "1884" project – a task financed by the City of Szczecin.
Fotorelacja - 2024-10-23, 24, 25, 27 - #1884. Genesis | 140 lat Konzerthausu, fot. Kamila Kozioł
Projekt „1884” jest dofinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego (Fundusz Małych Projektów w ramach Programu Współpracy Interreg VI A Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie/Brandenburgia/Polska 2021-2027) w ramach celu szczegółowego 4.6 „Kultura i zrównoważona turystyka”.
Projekt „1884” – zadanie finansowane przez Miasto Szczecin.


#1884. Genesis | 140 years of the Konzerthaus Stettin
23-10-2024 18:00 | 24-10-2024 18:00 | 25-10-2024 18:00 | 27-10-2024 18:00