The workshops support the development of imagination skills. Participants will have the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of creative reasoning and working with imagery and metaphor. The workshops include exercises in expanding imagination, such as associations, wishful thinking, and distinguishing between the real and the unreal, as well as the possible and the impossible. By working on specific cases, children will seek creative solutions, learning to think outside the box. Join us and let your imagination flourish!
Kasia Klimek is an actress with the Pleciuga Theatre and an improviser, who has been nurturing creativity in children and youth for many years. As a coach and trainer, she conducts workshops on public speaking and self-presentation.
Workshops for younger participants of the MDF festival are unified by our theme for this year – IMAGINE. Under the guidance of experienced educators, we will stimulate creativity on many different levels. By exploring new possibilities for creative thinking, writing, and designing, we will immerse ourselves in the boundless world of imagination, where every idea can become reality!
Respect Energy is the patron of the artistic installation Noise Surround System by the panGenerator group.
The partners of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2024 are panGenerator, Gie El, Brodziak Gallery, Revitalash, Szczecin Artistic Agency, Media Dizajn, Academy of Art in Szczecin, ICT Cluster West Pomerania.
Zadanie finansowane przez Miasto Szczecin.

Respect Energy is the patron of the artistic installation Noise Surround System by the panGenerator group.


Media patronage

Creative thinking
05-10-2024 10:00