14NOV '22mn, 19:00

Adam Pierończyk feat. Nelson Veras & Dominik Wania

Jazz concert
Chamber hall
  • Adam Pierończyk - Phase-contrast I
  • Adam Pierończyk - Photon VI
  • Adam Pierończyk - Image V
  • Adam Pierończyk - Detector X
  • Adam Pierończyk - Tube XII
  • Adam Pierończyk - Electron II
  • Adam Pierończyk - Projection VII

Koncert, ze względów organizacyjnych, zostanie przeniesiony do sali kameralnej. Bilety zachowują ważność.

Adam Pierończyk – one of the most important European jazz saxophonists – returns to the Philharmonic after six years to present his latest project, "Szymanowski. X-ray".

"Szymanowski. X-Ray" is Adam Pierończyk's latest project, released by ANAKLASIS. The inspiration came from the 12 Etudes, Op. 33 for the piano by the composer and pianist Karol Szymanowski, which now enjoys the status of a breakthrough work, has become an essential element of the canon of piano literature. The series was created in 1916, and each of the etudes was devoted to a different technical issue – from rhythm and harmony to texture and timbre. In a relatively short time, this series became an exciting challenge undertaken by the leading representatives of the pianism of successive generations worldwide. Many such performances have been published separately. And today, even on YouTube, we can easily find them performed by artists from Great Britain, France, or Japan (to which we strongly encourage).

Inspired by the series mentioned above, Adam Pierończyk composed seven pieces for a trio: saxophone, piano, and guitar, which during the concert will be performed in the order presented on the album, and it is worth adding that, as in the case of Szymanowski's etudes, this sequence is not accidental. The artist will be accompanied by Dominik Wania (piano) and Nelson Veras (guitar). In addition to the promising material, we can also expect a truly masterful performance.

Pierończyk is a highly recognized saxophonist, composer, and producer. He has, among others, 25 albums, 17 titles of the saxophonist of the year in the vote of the "Jazz Forum" magazine, and 20 nominations for the Fryderyk Awards, crowned with two statuettes in the categories jazz musician of the year and jazz album of the year. For many years, he has also been the ambassador of the prestigious saxophone brand B&S. Since 2004, as the artistic director, he has led famous festivals: the Moroccan Jazz aux Oudayas and Jazz Au Chellah, Sopot Jazz, and now the Jazz Juniors Festival in Krakow. He has performed in Brazil, the United States, Morocco, China, and Europe. Pierończyk also composes theatre music and conducts workshops and master classes in various parts of the world.

In Szczecin, Pierończyk will be accompanied by outstanding instrumentalists – one of the most interesting Polish pianists of the young generation, Dominik Wania, and one of the most recognized Brazilian guitarists, Nelson Veras.
Głównym partnerem Filharmonii jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.

Partnerami koncertu "Adam Pierończyk feat. Nelson Veras & Dominik Wania" są Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne oraz ANAKLASIS.
Główny Partner Filharmonii

Partnerzy koncertu

Adam Pierończyk feat. Nelson Veras & Dominik Wania
14-11-2022 19:00
Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

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