11NOV '22fr, 19:00

ANTONI WIT | Polish music

Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall
  • Mieczysław Karłowicz - Bianca de Molena, Op. 6 symphonic prologue
  • Zygmunt Stojowski - Piano Concerto No.1 in F sharp minor, Op. 3
  • Zygmunt Noskowski - Symphony No. 2 in C minor Elegiac
That evening, the Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducted by one of the most outstanding Polish conductors in history – maestro Antoni Wit. There is probably no music lover who would be unfamiliar with this name. He began his career as an assistant with Herbert von Karajan at the Berlin Philharmonic; maestro Wit not only performed on the most prestigious stages in the world and conducted the world's best orchestras but also recorded over two hundred albums in his long and extraordinary career! As one of the few classical musicians in the world, he can boast over five million copies of his recordings sold ... read more.

On the stage in the golden hall, he will be accompanied by an outstanding British pianist, hailed by critics as a music giant with unsurpassed technique – Jonathan Plowright. The artist not only performs worldwide and is a valued performer in both concert and chamber repertoire, but also he is an ambassador of Polish music. His album with concertos by Władysław Żeleński and Aleksander Zarzycki was ranked third in the prestigious classic charts: Classical Charts, and the album with Chopin's music, Hommage à Chopin, won numerous international phonographic awards ... read more.

It is hard to imagine better performers for this concert's 100% Polish program. We will begin with a wonderful, youthful piece by Mieczysław Karłowicz, Bianca da Molen, Op. 6, inspired by a drama written by Karłowicz's friend – Józef Nowiński. Moreover, the composer wrote this beautiful piece at the age of 24.

It will be followed by the extraordinary Piano Concerto No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 3 by Zygmunt Stojowski (1870-1946). This outstanding Polish artist spent most of his life in the USA, achieving spectacular success. In 1915, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra devoted an entire concert to his music. Stojowski was the first Polish composer to receive such a distinction. His works were performed by the best soloists of the era, including Paweł Kochański, George Enescu, Jacques Thibaud, Pablo Casals, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Louis Diémer, Ignacy Friedman and Józef Hofmann. The composer was friends with Piotr Tchaikovsky and Johannes Brahms, and – apart from Polish – he was fluent in six languages: English, German, Russian, French, Latin and ancient Greek. Unfortunately, despite his great successes overseas, his music is not a frequent guest on the stages of Polish philharmonics. Therefore, we decided to bring closer his remarkable achievements to Szczecin's music lovers.

The concert will close with the beautiful Symphony No. 2 in C minor Elegiac by Zygmunt Noskowski (1846-1909). The piece premiered in Warsaw in 1880 and became a harbinger of Noskowski's return to Poland after an exceptionally fruitful stay in Konstanz (Germany). Franz Liszt highly appreciated his works, who even took part in the premiere of the beautiful Piano Quartet from Op. 8. As a composer, Noskowski was an extremely versatile artist. His style can be described as late romantic. Noskowski's music is characterised by an individual language and numerous borrowings from Polish musical folklore, of which he was an excellent expert. Zygmunt Noskowski was also an outstanding educator who fostered a generation of musical celebrities, including Grzegorz Fitelberg, Karol Szymanowski, Ludomir Różycki and Mieczysław Karłowicz, whose music will be heard at the beginning of the concert.
Mecenasem Roku 2022 jest PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
Mecenas Roku 2022

ANTONI WIT | Polish music
11-11-2022 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

November 2022
03NOV '22th, 19:00
RUBATO 2022/2023Oana Cătălina Chiţu | BUKARESZTWorld music concert
04NOV '22fr, 14:00
04NOV '22fr, 15:00
04NOV '22fr, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2022/2023VERDI I Ensemble Nuove MusicheChamber concert
05NOV '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
05NOV '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
06NOV '22sn, 17:00
Family concerts 2022/2023Kim był Oz?Family concertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
07NOV '22mn, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
07NOV '22mn, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
09NOV '22wd, 19:00
11NOV '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023ANTONI WIT | Polish musicSymphonic concert
12NOV '22sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022 | SOUNDLAB 2022/2023Ollie Howell | Forest Rising
Event rescheduled from 2022-06-16
Concert with audience
13NOV '22sn, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2022/2023KLIMEK | FeelHarmony QuintetChamber concert
14NOV '22mn, 10:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Kim był Oz?School concert dla klas I-III
14NOV '22mn, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Kim był Oz?School concert dla klas IV-VIII
14NOV '22mn, 19:00
15 NOV, tu, 19:00 - KONCERT 10 TENORÓW koncert zewnętrzny
15NOV '22tu, 19:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2022/2023 | MDF Festival 2022 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMEvening with CHINA MOSES & TROY MILLEROnline premiere
18NOV '22fr, 14:00
18NOV '22fr, 15:00
18NOV '22fr, 19:00
19NOV '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
19NOV '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
19 NOV, sa, 19:00 - PAWEŁ DOMAGAŁA- NARNIA TOURkoncert zewnętrzny
20NOV '22sn, 19:00
ENERGICO 2022/2023Tribute to Maria KoterbskaConcert
21 NOV, mn, 19:00 - GRZEGORZ TURNAU- ZNÓW WĘDRUJEMY LIVEkoncert zewnętrzny
22NOV '22tu, 20:00
Music.Multimedia.Management.Współcześni Twórcy: Artur Ruciński i Pier Giorgio MorandiOnline premiere
23 NOV, wd, 20:00 - ANDRZEJ PIASECZNY 50/50koncert zewnętrzny
24 NOV, th, 20:00 - MIUOSH AKUSTYCZNIE III- PRZYJDŹ DO MNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
25NOV '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Ruciński I VERDI
Symphonic concert
27 NOV, sn, 20:30 - DARIA ZAWIAŁOW- "METROPOLIS...wojen nie będzie"koncert zewnętrzny
28NOV '22mn, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
28NOV '22mn, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
28NOV '22mn, 19:00
December 2022
02DEC '22fr, 14:00
02DEC '22fr, 15:00
02DEC '22fr, 19:00
03DEC '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
03DEC '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
03DEC '22sa, 12:00
Music.Multimedia.Management.Dwuletnia podróż zwana M.M.M (premiera)Online premiere
03 DEC, sa, 17:00 - MIUOSH AKUSTYCZNIE III- PRZYJDŹ DO MNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
03 DEC, sa, 20:00 - MIUOSH AKUSTYCZNIE III- PRZYJDŹ DO MNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
04 DEC, sn, 19:00 - AGNIESZKA CHYLIŃSKA-NEVER ENDING SORRYkoncert zewnętrzny
06DEC '22tu, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
06DEC '22tu, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
06 DEC, tu, 19:00 - KONCERT ŚWIĄTECZNY- MAGIC OF WHITE CHRISTMASkoncert zewnętrzny
07DEC '22wd, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
07DEC '22wd, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
09DEC '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Borowicz I VAUGHAN WILLIAMSSymphonic concert
10DEC '22sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
10DEC '22sa, 12:00
Music.Multimedia.Management.Współcześni Twórcy: Ursula HaselböckOnline premiere
11DEC '22sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
11DEC '22sn, 17:00
Family concerts 2022/2023Lazy as a BearFamily concertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
12DEC '22mn, 10:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Nie chce MisieSchool concert dla klas I-III
12DEC '22mn, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Nie chce MisieSchool concert dla klas IV-VIII
12DEC '22mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2022/2023Kuba Więcek Trio & Paulina Przybysz I Flowers
Jazz concert
13DEC '22tu, 19:00
16DEC '22fr, 14:00
16DEC '22fr, 15:00
16DEC '22fr, 19:00
17DEC '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
17DEC '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
17DEC '22sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
17 DEC, sa, 18:00 - KONCERT CHARYTATYWNY DLA BOHATERAkoncert zewnętrzny
18DEC '22sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
18DEC '22sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2022/2023Jakowicz Duo I VIVALDI | BACHConcert
19 DEC, mn, 19:30 - GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRAkoncert zewnętrzny
31DEC '22sa, 20:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Wiedeński wieczór sylwestrowySymphonic concert