16DEC '22fr, 19:00


Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall
  • Janusz Stalmierski - Clarinet Concerto Green Horizon
  • Franz Schubert - Symphony No.8 in B minor Unfinished
  • Ferenc Liszt - Les Preludes
One of the greatest masterpieces of music – Symphony No. 8 in B minor Unfinished by Franz Schubert (1797-1828), a tremendous symphonic poem Preludes by Franz Liszt (1811-1886) and the world premiere of a new work by the Szczecin composer – Janusz Stalmierski (born 1959) – we will celebrate the jubilee 30 years of artistic work of Bogusław Jakubowski – since 1991, the first clarinettist of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Bogusław Jakubowski is one of the most distinguished musicians of our Orchestra and a recognised soloist. Therefore, this evening, as the first clarinet player in the world, he will perform the Clarinet Concerto Green Horizon by Janusz Stalmierski, a composer well-known to Szczecin music lovers. Furthermore, Bogusław Jakubowski is an exceptional specialist in world premieres of works by contemporary Polish composers. In addition to the already mentioned Stalmierski, he has also premiered works by such composers as Marek Jasiński, Zbigniew Kozub, Artur Cieślak, Piotr Klimek or Waldemar Sutryk ... read more.

The second part of the evening opens with one of the most famous symphonies ever written – Symphony No. 8 in B minor, Unfinished by Franz Schubert. The prematurely deceased composer wrote only two of its parts. Some speculate that it was at the beginning of the creation of the third movement that the brilliant Schubert learned about an illness that was also a death sentence for him (syphilis). Contemporary researchers, however, are more inclined to the thesis that the piece remained unfinished for a much more prosaic reason… lack of time. Unfinished, it begins with a phenomenal but very gloomy "murmur" of the strings. It is impossible to describe the profound originality of this work, written in the rare key of B minor (1st movement) and E major (2nd movement). The symphony has delighted listeners invariably for centuries, with the unique pizzicato of strings, the colours of the trombones, oboe and clarinet, the drama and delicacy of 1st movement, contrasted with the marching character of Movement II. The piece was first performed in 1865; Schubert died in 1828, so he never heard his eighth symphony. Since its premiere, its popularity has steadily grown, making Unfinished one of the most beloved pieces of all time.

We will end the concert with the most famous symphonic poem by Franz Liszt, or Preludes. It is the third symphonic poem composed by a Hungarian master. Written in 1845-1853, the piece was first performed in public on February 23, 1854, in Weimar under the composer's baton. Preludes are undoubtedly the most popular of the thirteen symphonic poems he has left for us.

Initially, Liszt wanted this 15-minute piece to be an introduction to a choral composition based on the poems "Les Astres" and "La Terre" by Joseph Autran from 1845. However, he abandoned this idea and transformed it into an autonomous symphonic work, changing the source of poetic inspiration at the same time. The starting point for the Preludes was finally the poem by Alphonse de Lamartine "Les quatres éléments" (Four elements). This beautiful symphonic poem is a model example of the "musicalisation" of poetry. Liszt's mastery is fully manifested here when we hear him playing with this convention and how he creates suggestive, sound images that elude any literalness.

During this extraordinary concert, the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by the excellent Jakub Chrenowicz, one of the most talented and appreciated Polish conductors in the world, former assistant to Antoni Wit at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw and also a permanent collaborator of the Grand Theatre – Polish National Opera ... read more.

16-12-2022 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

December 2022
02DEC '22fr, 14:00
02DEC '22fr, 15:00
02DEC '22fr, 19:00
03DEC '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
03DEC '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
03DEC '22sa, 12:00
Music.Multimedia.Management.Dwuletnia podróż zwana M.M.M (premiera)Online premiere
03 DEC, sa, 17:00 - MIUOSH AKUSTYCZNIE III- PRZYJDŹ DO MNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
03 DEC, sa, 20:00 - MIUOSH AKUSTYCZNIE III- PRZYJDŹ DO MNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
04 DEC, sn, 19:00 - AGNIESZKA CHYLIŃSKA-NEVER ENDING SORRYkoncert zewnętrzny
06DEC '22tu, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
06DEC '22tu, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
06 DEC, tu, 19:00 - KONCERT ŚWIĄTECZNY- MAGIC OF WHITE CHRISTMASkoncert zewnętrzny
07DEC '22wd, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
07DEC '22wd, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
09DEC '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Borowicz I VAUGHAN WILLIAMSSymphonic concert
10DEC '22sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
10DEC '22sa, 12:00
Music.Multimedia.Management.Współcześni Twórcy: Ursula HaselböckOnline premiere
11DEC '22sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
11DEC '22sn, 17:00
Family concerts 2022/2023Lazy as a BearFamily concertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
12DEC '22mn, 10:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Nie chce MisieSchool concert dla klas I-III
12DEC '22mn, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Nie chce MisieSchool concert dla klas IV-VIII
12DEC '22mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2022/2023Kuba Więcek Trio & Paulina Przybysz I Flowers
Jazz concert
13DEC '22tu, 19:00
16DEC '22fr, 14:00
16DEC '22fr, 15:00
16DEC '22fr, 19:00
17DEC '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
17DEC '22sa, 11:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
17DEC '22sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
17 DEC, sa, 18:00 - KONCERT CHARYTATYWNY DLA BOHATERAkoncert zewnętrzny
18DEC '22sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
18DEC '22sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2022/2023Jakowicz Duo I VIVALDI | BACHConcert
19 DEC, mn, 19:30 - GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRAkoncert zewnętrzny
31DEC '22sa, 20:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Wiedeński wieczór sylwestrowySymphonic concert
January 2023
01JAN '23sn, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Wiedeński wieczór noworocznySymphonic concert
03 JAN, tu, 19:00 - NOWOROCZNA GALA - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKIkoncert zewnętrzny
04 JAN, wd, 19:00 - NOWOROCZNA GALA - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKIkoncert zewnętrzny
06JAN '23fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023BACH I Oratorium na Boże NarodzenieSymphonic concert
07JAN '23sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
08JAN '23sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
08 JAN, sn, 19:00 - KOLĘDY ŚWIATA: TGD + GOŚCIEkoncert zewnętrzny
10JAN '23tu, 10:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Akademia Pana KleksaSchool concert dla klas I-III
10JAN '23tu, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2022/2023Akademia Pana KleksaSchool concert dla klas IV-VIII
12JAN '23th, 19:00
RUBATO 2022/2023Damir Imamović | SEVDAH Z SARAJEWAWorld music concert
13JAN '23fr, 14:00
13JAN '23fr, 15:00
14JAN '23sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
14JAN '23sa, 10:30
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 3-4 with caregivers
14JAN '23sa, 12:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 5-6 with caregivers
14JAN '23sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
15JAN '23sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryPalec w oko | Jarosława KozłowskiExhibition
15 JAN, sn, 18:00 - REQUIEM- WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZARTkoncert zewnętrzny
16JAN '23mn, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
16JAN '23mn, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
17 JAN, tu, 20:00 - GOLEC UORKIESTRA "KONCERT KOLĘD I PASTORAŁEK"koncert zewnętrzny
18JAN '23wd, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Orliński śpiewa GLUCKASymphonic concert
19JAN '23th, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryChris Niedenthal PRL - RPVernissage
20JAN '23fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023Świgut gra CHOPINASymphonic concert
21JAN '23sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryChris Niedenthal PRL - RPExhibition
22JAN '23sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryChris Niedenthal PRL - RPExhibition
24 JAN, tu, 20:00 - NATALIA PRZYBYSZ - SERCE SPOKOJNE TOUR koncert zewnętrzny
25 JAN, wd, 19:00 - KRYSTYNA PROŃKO TRIO- JESTEŚ LEKIEM NA CAŁE ZŁO!koncert zewnętrzny
27JAN '23fr, 14:00
27JAN '23fr, 15:00
27JAN '23fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2022/2023VIVAT MOZART!Symphonic concert
28JAN '23sa, 09:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
28JAN '23sa, 10:30
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 3-4 with caregivers
28JAN '23sa, 12:00
Warsztaty RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 5-6 with caregivers
28JAN '23sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryChris Niedenthal PRL - RPExhibition
29JAN '23sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryChris Niedenthal PRL - RPExhibition
29 JAN, sn, 15:30 - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKI- WIELKA GALA NOWOROCZNAkoncert zewnętrzny
29 JAN, sn, 19:00 - KONCERT WIEDEŃSKI- WIELKA GALA NOWOROCZNAkoncert zewnętrzny
30JAN '23mn, 09:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
30JAN '23mn, 11:00
Donuta zapraszaChamber concertdla przedszkoli, klas I-III i seniorów
31 JAN, tu, 19:00 - DUŻO KOBIET, BO AŻ TRZYkoncert zewnętrzny