“Good music always contains joy, and this is what I am looking for. Maybe that's why people all over the world want to listen to me play. The natural need of every musician is the search for beauty” – says Leszek Możdżer.
Traditionally in January, one of the most outstanding jazz musicians will present his own compositions at the Szczecin Philharmonic. “Miniatures” will be performed alongside the musicians of the Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Marek Moś.
The outstanding conductor and the amazing pianist have two features in common: diligence and a liking for perfectionism. As Moś says about the joint project: “Możdżer's music is very punctual, it requires sharper articulation than classical repertoire. Instrumentalists must feed on the pulse in fast passages, as the pulse is inalienable in jazz.” The unique performing style, refined artistic repertoire, and an atmosphere constructed from impression and mood are the promise of an unforgettable evening at the Szczecin Philharmonic.
Fotorelacje - 2017.01.29 - Możdżer – MINIATURY, fot. Sebastian Wołosz
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29-01-2017 17:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin