“I have finished a composition which I will most probably entitle ‘Lithuanian Rhapsody’. In it I was trying to convey all the grief, sadness and eternal captivity of this nation, whose songs I had listened to in childhood”, wrote Mieczysław Karłowicz about his symphonic poem.
This piece, along with the Violin Concerto in A-major op. 8 and Sad story op.13, was recorded for the latest album release of the Szczecin Philharmonic in December 2016.
This unique album, with pieces by the outstanding Polish musician, are a symbolic homage to our patron on his 140th birthday. Two brilliant names were invited to this project: Łukasz Borowicza, conductor, who conducted the Symphony Orchestra, and Bartłomiej Nizioł, violin virtuoso, a Szczecin dweller, who accompanied the orchestra.
The premiere performance of Mieczysław Karłowicz's compositions will summarise the series of artistic, educational and promotional undertakings connected with the jubilee of the Szczecin Philharmonic's patron.
Fotorelacje - 2017.01.10 - Promocja płyty "Karłowicz. Filharmonia. Szczecin", fot. Dariusz Gorajski
Sponsorem koncertów "Filharmonia gra Karłowicza" oraz "Blues Brothers" jest Szczecińska Energetyka Cieplna Sp. z o. o.
Filharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie uczestniczy w programie "Filharmonia. Ostrożnie, wciąga!!!" organizowanym przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca ze środków MKiDN.

"Karłowicz. Filharmonia. Szczecin" - record promotion
10-01-2017 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin