Wielkie jazzowe otwarcie sezonu! Na scenie sali symfonicznej wystąpią Jaskułke Trio oraz duet Adam Pierończyk & Miroslav Vitouš.
Uncompromising, possessing a unique language and musical style – this is how Sławomir Jakułke is described. This great Polish jazz pianist, improviser, composer of piano, orchestra, theatre and film music has returned to playing in an ensemble.
After many years he came back to the Trio, which released the album entitled ‘ON’ (eng. HE) earlier this year. As he says himself: The title and its multidimensionality really suit me. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of it is HE being a male take on music. But HE is intriguing, open and may well function as a visual identification.
The name Jaskułke is a synonym of expressive, even hypnotizing concerts. The jazzman is one of those artists who opens doors to new, non-apparent musical solutions, to prove that contemporary jazz has much more to offer.
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Jaskułke Trio / Adam Pierończyk & Miroslav Vitouš
24-10-2016 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin