Arte dei Suonatori to polska orkiestra barokowa najlepiej rozpoznawalna na międzynarodowej scenie muzycznej. Jej repertuar obejmuje ponad 600 kompozycji – od baroku i początków romantyzmu aż po utwory współcześnie jej dedykowane.
Arte dei Suonatori is the most recognized Polish baroque orchestra in the international music scene. Their repertoire encompasses nearly 600 compositions from Baroque and Romanticism, to contemporary pieces dedicated to the ensemble.
Over the 20 years of their activity, the orchestra has released 17 albums, which were all welcomed by international critics and won them numerous distinctions i.a. BBC Music Magazine Editor’s choice, Choc du Monde de la Musique and the Gramophone Award – best Baroque recording in 2003. Arte dei Suonatori have also made a number of recordings for radio stations: BBC, Danmarks Radio, Polish Radio Program 2 and TV stations.
The ensemble, established by violinists Ewa and Aureliusz Goliński, has grown an international character: next to the Polish musicians, there are artists from Europe and Asia in the permanent members. Irrepressible and deep expression, along with individual performance styles, leave audiences at each of their concerts in awe and full of reflection and emotion.
Fotorelacje - 2016.11.02 - Arte dei Suonatori, fot. Jakub Gibowski
Arte dei Suonatori
02-11-2016 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin