25APR '16mn, 10:0025APR '16mn, 12:00

Before the Orchestra: #Drums

School concert dla klas I-III
Symphony Hall
  • Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Agata Kolasińska - moderator
  • Marek Siwka - conductor

The oldest instruments in the world are the theme of the next "Before the Orchestra" meeting. Timpani, drums, marimba, cymbals, triangles are just some of the whole set of percussion instruments, which are somewhat the heart of the orchestra. By means of drumsticks they will be heard solo, in duets and ensembles, demonstrating a broad spectrum of sounds. During the concert entitled "#Drums" musicians from Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will talk about their origin, history and structure.

Program includes selected excerpts from:
Darius Milhaud – Concerto for Percussion and Small Orchestra
Darius Milhaud – Concerto for Marimba, Vibraphone and Orchestra
Andrzej Panufnik – Concerto for Timpani, Percussion and String Orchestra
Tomáš Svoboda – Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra

Before the Orchestra: #Drums
25-04-2016 10:00 | 25-04-2016 12:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

April 2016
01APR '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016István Várdai plays DvořákSymphonic concert
02APR '16sa, 09:00
02APR '16sa, 11:00
03APR '16sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2015/2016Scandinavian BuffetFamily concert
04APR '16mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
04APR '16mn, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
04APR '16mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVOMnemotaksjaJazz concert
06 APR, wd, 20:00 - Kortezkoncert zewnętrzny
07APR '16th, 19:00
08APR '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016Victoria Massey sings MahlerSymphonic concert
11APR '16mn, 19:00
DECISO 2015/2016Swedish Chamber OrchestraSymphonic concert
12APR '16tu, 19:00
Level 4. GallerySzczecin in close-upVernissage
13APR '16wd, 19:00
FESTIVO 2015/20167th West Pomeranian Clarinet FestivalChamber concert
14APR '16th, 19:00
FESTIVO 2015/20167th West Pomeranian Clarinet FestivalChamber concert
15APR '16fr, 16:30
Zwiedzanie FilharmoniiSight-seeing the Philharmonic
15APR '16fr, 19:00
FESTIVO 2015/20167th West Pomeranian Clarinet FestivalSymphonic concert
17APR '16sn, 17:00
BRILLANTE 2015/2016The King’s SingersSymphonic concert
17APR '16sn, 17:00
Salonik WiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
18APR '16mn, 17:00
18APR '16mn, 19:00
19APR '16tu, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
19APR '16tu, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
19APR '16tu, 19:00
20APR '16wd, 16:00
Spotkania w FonoteceSpotkanie z Bassemem Akiki
20 APR, wd, 19:00 - Szczecin Music Fest - WIRUJĄCY DERWISZEkoncert zewnętrzny
22APR '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016Aleksandra Kurzak at the PhilharmonicSymphonic concert
23APR '16sa, 12:00
Salonik wiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
23 APR, sa, 19:00 - Edyta Bartosiewicz - Acoustic Triokoncert zewnętrzny
24APR '16sn, 17:00
25APR '16mn, 10:00
Before the Orchestra: #DrumsSchool concert dla klas I-III
25APR '16mn, 12:00
Before the Orchestra: #DrumsSchool concert dla klas I-III
26 APR, tu, 19:00 - Grażyna Brodzińskakoncert zewnętrzny
27APR '16wd, 19:00
ENERGICO 2015/2016Kayah – KamieńConcert
29APR '16fr, 19:00
PIANOFORTE 2015/2016Jonathan Plowright plays PaderewskiSymphonic concert
30 APR, sa, 19:00 - Szczecin Music Fest - AVISHAI COHENkoncert zewnętrzny
May 2016
05MAY '16th, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
05MAY '16th, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
06MAY '16fr, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016Eastern ImagesSymphonic concert
07MAY '16sa, 09:00
07MAY '16sa, 11:00
07MAY '16sa, 17:00
08MAY '16sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2015/2016Note Weaver ShopFamily concert
09MAY '16mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVOObara InternationalJazz concert
10 MAY, tu, 19:00 - Janusz Radek z zespołemkoncert zewnętrzny
11MAY '16wd, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryMalarstwo Jana Kantego PawluśkiewiczaVernissage
12MAY '16th, 19:00
13MAY '16fr, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016The Harps of PapuszaSymphonic concert
14MAY '16sa, 19:00
MISTERIOSOPhilharmonics in the ChamberChamber concert
16MAY '16mn, 15:00
17MAY '16tu, 15:00
18MAY '16wd, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016DesOrient and Michał LorencChamber concert
19MAY '16th, 17:00
19MAY '16th, 19:00
20MAY '16fr, 16:30
Zwiedzanie FilharmoniiSight-seeing the Philharmonic
20MAY '16fr, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016Inspiracje KubrickaSymphonic concert
21MAY '16sa, 22:00
Europejska Noc MuzeówEuropejska Noc Muzeów
22MAY '16sn, 17:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016Philharmonics at the filmChamber concert
22MAY '16sn, 17:00
Salonik wiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
23MAY '16mn, 10:00
Before the Orchestra: #StringsSchool concert for classes IV–VI and grammar (junior secondary) school
23MAY '16mn, 12:00
Before the Orchestra: #StringsSchool concert for classes IV–VI and grammar (junior secondary) school
24MAY '16tu, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na razChamber concertfor children and youth
24MAY '16tu, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na razChamber concertfor children and youth
24 MAY, tu, 19:00 - Michał Bajor z zespołem koncert zewnętrzny
25 MAY, wd, 20:00 - TGDkoncert zewnętrzny
27MAY '16fr, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2015/2016Jerzy „Duduś” MatuszkiewiczSymphonic concert
28MAY '16sa, 09:00
Wszystko gra! DObieranyWorkshops children aged 2–6
28MAY '16sa, 11:00
Wszystko gra! DObieranyWorkshops children aged 2–6
28MAY '16sa, 17:00
Premiera "Z historii muzyki..."Meetingfor children aged 6+ with guardians
30MAY '16mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
30MAY '16mn, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
31 MAY, tu, 19:00 - Szczecin Music Fest - HABIB KOITEkoncert zewnętrzny