Music was his great passion. You could say that he was addicted to it. Stanley Kubrick listened to music non-stop, all day long. When working on any particular scene to his film he already heard the music for it, hence in the majority of his productions you can hear the classical repertoire.
He wanted to influence the subconscious rather than the intellect of the viewers. Classical compositions appear in his finest works: "Full Metal Jacket", "The Shining", "Eyes Wide Shut". Considering the presence of music in the works of the American director, Danuta Gwizdalanka remarked: "With ears and eyes wide open, numerous scenes of Kubrick's films can be perceived as ballet".
Fotorelacja - 2016.05.20 - Inspiracje Kubricka, fot. Dariusz Gorajski
Inspiracje Kubricka
20-05-2016 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin