The music of Mieczysław Weinberg is one of the most exciting musical discoveries of recent years. The compositions, full of emotions, including primarily lyricism and melancholy, refer to the tragic fate of the composer: death of his family and Jewish brothers during the war.
We will hear the composition of Weinberg at the Szczecin Philharmonic, where the most important Polish symphonic orchestra for the first time will perform under the baton of the charismatic maestro Kaspszyk.
In addition to Weinberg's pieces, we will hear the orchestral version of the first of three quartets for piano by Johannes Brahms. This piece had quickly gained huge popularity and in 1937 Arnold Schoenberg, fascinated by its structure and tonal ingenuity, had transcribed it for a symphonic orchestra.
Fotorelacja - 2016.03.19 - Filharmonia Narodowa w Szczecinie, fot. Dariusz Gorajski
National Philharmonic in Szczecin
18-03-2016 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin