Leopold Hager to niezwykle utalentowany i znany interpretator wiedeńskich klasyków. Pod koniec lat 70. zadebiutował w Metropolitan Opera „Weselem Figara” Mozarta. Od 1981 roku był głównym dyrektorem Orkiestry Symfonicznej Radia Luksemburg, by po latach rozpocząć pracę pierwszego dyrygenta Volksoper w Wiedniu.
Leopold Hager is an extremely talented and well-known interpreter of the Viennese classics. At the end of the 70's he made his debut at the Metropolitan Opera with "Le Nozze di Figaro" by Mozart. Since 1981 he had been the music director of the Symphony Orchestra of Radio Luxembourg, after which he would start working as a chief conductor of the Vienna Volksoper. Hager is a frequent guest of leading opera houses: he conducted in the Semperoper in Dresden, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London, the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires or the Opéra Bastille in Paris.
Szczecin-born Michał Partyka has been living in France for years. In January 2013 he won the Francisco Viñas International Signing Contest in Barcelona, in the same year he represented Poland in the final of the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World – where he defeated hundreds of young opera talents from around the world and was ranked in the top twenty. Currently, his baritone vocals can be heard on the stages of the French operas, as well as in Rome and Milan.
Fotorelacja - 2015.12.18 - Leopold Hager w Szczecinie, fot. Dariusz Gorajski
Leopold Hager in Szczecin
18-12-2015 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin