Opium String Quartet is one of the leading Polish string quartets, founded by four graduates of the Academy of Music in Warsaw. After numerous recordings, the quartet selected the composition of Piotr Moss, a France-based Polish artist.
This is how the album "Chagall for Strings" was born – with the extraordinary participation of Maestra Jadwiga Rappé. This publication was awarded with the "Fryderyk" award 2014 in category "Album of the Year – Contemporary Music". The titular reference to the paintings of Marc Chagall is by no means accidental. Moss created a musical collage of sounds, inspired by repeated painting motifs: a pair of lovers levitating over the rooftops, acrobats and circus clowns, war's conflagration, monstrous musical instruments.
Fotoreacja - 2016.01.20 - Opium i Rappé, fot. Maciej Cybulski
Opium i Rappé
20-01-2016 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin