The highlight of this evening will undoubtedly be the magnificent Violin Concerto in A major, Op. 8, by the patron of the Szczecin Philharmonic – Mieczysław Karłowicz (1876-1909). It is one of the most famous works written by the tragically and prematurely deceased composer. The piece was composed in 1902 bearing the esteemed violin professor and universally admired virtuoso – Stanisław Bacewicz in mind.
During the concert, it will be interpreted for you by Anna Maria Staśkiewicz, winner of the third prize at the 13th International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition in Poznań in 2006 and concertmaster of one of the best orchestras in the country – Sinfonia Varsovia.
The evening will open with the Overture to Richard Wagner's (1813-1883) opera Rienzi. The composer completed it at the age of 27, and it was his third opera. When opera enthusiasts first heard Rienzi, its success was immediate and worldwide despite the opera's length of six hours! Rest assured, our concert will feature only the wonderful overture to this monumental work, written in the best overture style – summarizing the most important musical and emotional moments from Wagner's opera.
To conclude the concert, we have a beautiful piece for you – the Sinfonietta by Czech composer Leoš Janáček (1854-1928). He was among the world's leading composers at the turn of the century and a fervent advocate of his nation's culture.
We invite you to an extraordinary evening, during which maestro Antoni Wit will conduct the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. In addition to performing with the best orchestras globally, this phenomenal conductor can also boast membership in the elite group of artists worldwide, whose records have sold over 5 million copies collectively.

15-03-2024 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin