The duo consists of Mariya Mavko from Lviv (vocals, flute, synthesizer) and Michał Szczepaniec from Wrocław (synthesizer, production, zither). They perform music that is a cross between folk, dream pop and experimental electronics. In 2019, they released an EP titled "Simplex", which was a concept mini-album inspired by a Soviet children's book.
Their debut full-length album was released on April 21, 2022. They perform original compositions inspired by Ukrainian and Polish folk music and reinterpretations of traditional Ukrainian songs. Since the outbreak of the war, their concerts have been a mourning ritual, in which they pay tribute to all the victims of Russian aggression, while trying to look to the future with hope. They want to present a similar musical narrative during the concert – from bitter crying through dignified sadness to hope tinged with melancholy.
Music video for the song "Slowa" by the duet Kadabra Dyskety Kusaje