The event will aim to draw attention to the role music therapy plays in the social development of children with various types of dysfunctions. The script and music constitute a result of workshops with students of the State Special Primary School No. 52 in Szczecin.
The therapeutic concert will be a story about diversity and the ability to adjust to others, especially to persons with special educational needs. The name Antipodes refers to the geographical location where the phenomenon of Glow Worms shining with blue light occurs. Here, we mean fluorescent insects living in Australian And New Zealander caves. To enter those caves, you need to obey rigorous rules regarding moving around, acoustics, and other factors, disturbing the harmony of the insects’ natural environment. This unique sensitivity to external factors will serve as a metaphor to get acquainted with the susceptibility of autistic persons to various stimuli and make us more empathetic towards them.
Project realized within a Creative Scholarship of the City of Szczecin.
Projekt zrealizowany w ramach Stypendium Twórczego Miasta Szczecin


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ANTIPODES - music therapy
25-09-2021 12:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin