"Music Found" is a collection of films created since 1980 by Andrzej Bieńkowski. The author's archive contains, among others, field research documentation, recordings, and interviews with musicians and singers about the musical life of Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus villages.
Andrzej Bieńkowski (born 1946) painter, ethnographer, professor of fine arts. Since 1980, during his trips to the countryside, he has collected an impressive private ethnographic archive containing thousands of audio, video and photos from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. When presenting his collections, he cooperated with the Polish Radio Two – the Muzyka Odaleziona (Music Found) program (together with Maria Baliszewska), and with Radio RDC, currently he runs his broadcasts on the Polish Radio Two – RCKL in "Źródła" (Sources). Author of the documentaries "The Last Folk Musicians", "Jewish Music in the Memory of Folk Musicians", "Ukraine". In search of pagan rituals, Muzykanci Gace from Radomskie and a series of short films popularizing rural music (with Monika Mencina). Author of the books "The Last Folk Musicians – People, Customs, Music"; (Prószyński i s-ka, 2001) and "Sold music"; (Czarne, 2007). Laureate of the Oskar Kolberg Award. He was awarded the Gloria Artis Silver Medal for his activities.
VII Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury, Dziedzictwa Narodowego i Sportu


Fundatorem nagrody dla laureata VII edycji Turnieju Muzyków Prawdziwych jest Poseł na Sejm Jarosław Rzepa


Media patronage

Music found | Film screening
02-09-2021 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin