Traditionally, Leszek Możdżer will be the special guest of the season. He is a versatile artist, pianist and composer, listened to and applauded in Szczecin with unflagging enthusiasm for many years. He has been with us from the very beginning since the transfer to the new headquarters. The iceberg has become a real home for him, as well as for us. He comes back to us every year after his artistic residency. Thanks to this, we can follow his latest projects, ideas and concepts.
What is Leszek Możdżer really like? Not only can you say it from his music, but also his texts – including columns published in the Jazz Forum. He reveals more details than we would be able to tell from watching his work from behind the scenes.
Możdżer himself writes: I sometimes like to observe my Ego during a concert. It shows off with virtuosity, sensitivity and delicacy, charms with its sense of colour and precision of striking. It plays various scales, tricks, repetitions, introduces dramatic pauses, shakes its loose hair. I'm thankful it's doing all this goddamn job. I wouldn't feel like doing it myself.
The concert program will include orchestral compositions by Leszek Możdżer, including "Balticetta", composed for the 100th anniversary of Poland's wedding to the sea, inspired by Debussy's symphonic poem. Another unforgettable evening with Leszek Możdżer is coming to our Philharmonic!
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Możdżer I Orchestra
20-09-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin