Brahms, Beethoven and Bergmann guarantee an extraordinary evening at the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Our music lovers have certainly waited impatiently for the performance of the next symphony of the Grand Master in the jubilee Beethoven Year. And those of you who will listen to our concert for the first time will be able to see how wonderfully the perfect symphonic music under the baton of Rune Bergmann sounds. This time, an outstanding soloist and personality in the art world will stand on the stage next to our orchestra.
Amihai Grosz is the first violist of the Berlin Philharmonic. Born in Jerusalem, he studied with David Chen, Tabea Zimmermann and Haim Taub. In 2007, he won the prestigious Gottesman Prize for Viola in the Aviv Competition (a distinction compared to the awards in the ARD competition in Germany).
According to Amihai Grosz, the sound of the viola is closest to the sound of the human voice, although it can also sound like a violin or a cello. This lack of an unequivocal definition of timbre is the source of an unchanging fascination with this instrument. As he himself assesses his musical education – it is drawing on various performance traditions: Mediterranean, German, Russian, the interpenetration of these traditions, perfectly corresponds to the changing sonic nature of the viola.
In 1995, he founded the Jerusalem String Quartet, currently one of the most recognized string quartets in the world. The ensemble won the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award. He performs in the most recognized concert halls in the world, such as Tonhalle in Zurich, Queen Elisabeth Hall in London, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and Sydney Opera House. Amihai Grosz's solo career includes concerts with leading European and Israeli orchestras. The artist plays the viola from the workshop of Gaspar da Saló from 1570.
Fotorelacja - 2020.09.11 - Inauguracja sezonu BRAHMS BEETHOVEN 250, fot Sebastian Wołosz
Mecenasem roku jest PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A.
Głównym Partnerem Filharmonii w Szczecinie jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.
Partnerem koncertu jest Szczecińska Izba Adwokacka.
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Season Inauguration I Grosz plays Brahms
11-09-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin