'You were always the one who blocked my way, and I blamed you, but I knew you wouldn't do it without Don's order. And you can't be angry with him. It's like being angry with God. '
The theme from the film 'The Godfather' will open another concert within Film-Harmony series. This time we will move to Italy, where the composers, in countless pieces, have been reflecting its unique atmosphere for hundreds of years.
Known for his collaboration with director Federico Fellini, Nino Rota was one of the most prolific and recognized film composers of his era, with a list of soundtracks for 'La dolce vita' to 'Romeo and Juliet' by Franco Zeffirelli and to 'The Godfather' of Francis Ford Coppola. His 'Concerto soirée' for piano and orchestra was described as follows: 'Dreamy as Chopin, sensational as Rachmaninoff, funny as Prokofiev, but always Rota – rediscovering the beauty of romantic music.'
Ottorino Respighi created at a time when, for the first time in history, the focus was so much on searching for the source of identities of a human and society. Composers joined this trend, becoming national artists for the first time. In Italy, strong references were made to the ancient roots and legends of invincible Rome. Hence the poem 'Roman Festivals'. As Respighi wrote himself: 'We oppose this art, which cannot have and has no human content, usually it is only a mechanical experiment and a brain puzzle. The biblical Babel reigns in today's music world. For twenty years, the most different trends have been united in uninterrupted revolutionary chaos ... A logical connection must connect the past with the future, and yesterday's romanticism must become the romanticism of tomorrow.’
Concerto italiano I NINO ROTA [CANCELED]
22-05-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin