The master duo Claudio Bohórquez and Péter Nagy is another pair of international artists that we will have the opportunity to host this year. Bohórquez's virtuosity and mastery of the temperament and characteristic style of Nagy have long been associated with the award-winning CD and concert halls of Europe. Bearing in mind the program of the concert, we could not have imagined a better connection. Here is why.
Because we talk about Brahms and Schumann on the occasion of symphonic concerts (on the left in the calendar you can easily find the title and the link to the tickets), this time we will only discuss Beethoven. And there is a lot to write about!
Beethoven composed thirty-two piano sonatas, sixteen string quartets, ten violin sonatas, nine symphonies, five piano concertos and cello sonatas, two masses and one opera but with four overtures. But what did Beethoven's life look like when he put away great music for a while?
Beethoven's manners were far from aristocratic, though in this social class he had been turning for most of his life. His impulsiveness, as well as the habit of continually spitting and speaking directly what he thought, caused him many difficulties in dealing with people. He often changed his apartments and dismissed servants. He wrote music notes on curtains, tablecloths and napkins. One time, while in rage, he threw a veal dish at the waiter and shouted out to the prominent violinist that he would not deal with his "miserable violin" when he was thinking about music.
But probably in accordance with the title of the Variations in E flat major for cello and piano – he was also in love. He proposed only once to certain Magdalena Willman, a singer, but he was not accepted (according to her "he was very ugly and a bit crazy").
Every musician and listener admits that much of this complex personality has found a mapping in music. When you come to our concert, we suggest thinking about the waiter's face, over which the veal is coming down, the violinist fleeing in panic, or about the prince Lichnowsky who once heard from the master the timeless truth: "There are and will be thousands of princes and but there is only one Beethoven".
Exhibition available during event:
Plakaty | Władysław PlutaNa wystawie pokazanych zostanie ponad 60 plakatów z ostatnich 20 lat twórczości Władysława Pluty, realizowanych głównie dla potrzeb instytucji kulturalnych Krakowa, takich jak Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, ZPAP Okręg Krakowski, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Dydo Poster Collection, Muzeum Sztuki w Ołomuńcu, Międzynarodowe Biennale i Triennale Grafiki i wiele innych. Większość plakatów stanowi serie. Prace pokazują zainteresowania autora typografią. Plakaty Władysława Pluty cechuje powściągliwość i lapidarność przekazu.
27-11-2019 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin