Although you say that every concert at the Philharmonic in Szczecin is an exceptional event (of course, it is hard to disagree), every inauguration of the season must be an exception among the exceptions! This is an event that should stay in memory for the whole year: in ours as we would play well and prepare concerts, and yours so that you would come back to us as often as possible in the next year!
Ning Feng, a world-famous violinist, winner of the Premio Paganini – International Violin Competition in 2006, is known in concert halls from Sao Paulo to Hong Kong. He will perform Ludwig van Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major with our Symphony Orchestra. But he will not perform alone!
In one of the interviews, when asked about the instrument on which he plays, he replied: "Well ... it's a Stradivarius from 1721, and there is nothing else to say on the topic as it is covered in eighty per cent! I can say that this instrument has a personality. It is like working with a friend. There may be two professionals, but they may not fit together personally." It is true that in the further part of the interview he does not betray what his case was, but the continued success on the international arena shows that the gentlemen are totally complementary.
The second part of the inauguration will be filled with the most famous Concerto for orchestra ever written. Béla Bartók admitted that he could call it a symphony, but individual sections of the orchestra perform such a virtuoso and solo parts that it must be a concert. The entire orchestra is the soloist (the simplicity and economy of this solution are still applauded by the financial directors of philharmonic halls around the world).
Bartók's concert shows musical images of the night landscape: part one – playing in pairs, where various instruments and groups take part, part two – elegy, part three – intermezzo interrupted, or musical joke (though from the perspective of musicians arduous and continuous pulse changes can be not very funny), part four and real musical Perpetuum Mobile – part five. A constant sound continuum that our Philharmonic will surely become next year!
Exhibition available during event:
Obrazy muzyki. Muzyka w obrazach | Bartek BarczykUnikatowe portrety wykonane przez Bartka Barczyka, to efekt spotkań z drugim człowiekiem, to zapis sytuacji, chwili, momentu. Najważniejszym jest wyzwolić migawkę w odpowiednim momencie. Czasem jest to możliwe dzięki bliższej relacji artysta-fotograf, czasem wystarczy spostrzegawczość i refleks, ale czasem jest to przypadek. Efektem jest wyjątkowy obraz, nad którym my możemy się na chwilę zatrzymać.
Sponsorem koncertu jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.
Partnerami koncertu są Szczecińska Izba Adowkacka oraz MaxMara.


Season opening | Ning Feng plays BEETHOVENA
27-09-2019 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin