On September 14th in Szczecin Philharmonic during MDF Festival we will hear Music for the Royal Fireworks by George Friedricha for the first time in a totally new, jazz composition created by Marcin Masecki – a pianist, composer, arranger.
One of the most prolific and original artists in Poland nowadays. Being just a toddler, Marcin Masecki looped American big bands on his record player. He made his first steps listening to ragtime, and he formed his first jazz trio as a teenager (together with Wojciech Pulcyn and Grzegorz Grzyb). After that he played jazz in Alchemik. When he studied in Boston, he started flirting with free jazz and improvisation that could hardly be classified. When he moved back to Poland he joined a record label – Lado ABC and he stepped back from playing jazz and started being active in an independent music arena (Paristetris), as well as in classical music (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven). Soon, the time came to start composing, conducting, and making film music. In the last years he gradually started approaching jazz again. First, founding a traditional bigband, which – more than once – gave a music accompaniment to dancings, then realising his childhood dream of performing ragtime. Making a classical trio was just a matter of time, and the time has come now.
During MDF Festival 2019 he will perform with Jerzy Rogiewicz on drums and Piotr Domagalski on double bass, together forming Marcin Masecki’s Jazz Trio. They know each other inside out. Jazz is their blood. They are longing for this to happen. They will be joined by Grzegorz Tarwid – a pianist and a composer, known from Sundial project by Jachna-Tarwid-Karch trio and a Diomede duo. The initiator and curator of piano festival Piano Room. Recognised as one of the most talented pianist of a new generation.
Music for the Royal Fireworks by Georg Friedrich Händel was created in 1749 on George II of Great Britain's commission following the end of war with Austria and signing the peace treaty in Aachen. The composition was about to glorify the fireworks show planned on April 27th, 1749 in London. Unfortunately, not everything on that day went according to plan. The concert ended nearly in disaster as there was heavy rain and fire caused by failed fireworks show which consumed decorations made specially for this event. Despite the problems, the audience was enchanted by the overture. The piece itself underwent some changes because the king on whose commission the music was composed wished it could be performed outside, best if the instruments used sounded military-like (wind and percussion). That was the reason the composer had to leave the strings out. Therefore, the composition included 24 oboes, 12 bassoons, 9 trumpets, 9 horns, 3 pairs of timpani and snare drums. After the show, Händel rewrote the piece adding violins, violas and cellos.
Like 270 years ago, now during the first day of MDF Festival the music performance will be boosted with fireworks show. Though there won’t be real fireworks, it will still be similarly spectacular. The visuals that on this day will add colour to a specially designed stage are produced by Pushka Studio.
Trio Jazzowe Marcina Maseckiego i Grzegorz Tarwid


Media patronage

Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin - Municipal Institution of Culture is co-led by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage


Marcin Masecki's Jazz Trio feat. Grzegorz Tarwid
14-09-2019 22:00