Even a few months before Poland regained its independence, in March 1918, a group of artists – writers, musicians, actors – founded the Association of Cabaret Authors, which was supposed to care for "moral and material interests of authors and composers". Among the founders were: Konrad Tom, Andrzej Włast, Julian Tuwim, Jan Stanisław Mar, Władysław "Jus" Juwiler, Tadeusz Kończyc, Stanisław Ratold, writers Kazimierz Wroczyński, Gustaw Beylin and Jan Lesman (writing under the pseudonym Jan Brzechwa) and composer, singer and conductor Anda Kitschman. Soon the name changed, it was to refer to a wider circle of artists, the Association of Authors and Stage Composers, in short ZAiKS. Among other things, thanks to the efforts of artists gathered in ZAiKS, the first copyright law was introduced in Poland in 1926 (and one of the first of its kind in Europe).
This year, ZAiKS is celebrating the centenary of its foundation. The Association survived the dramatic experiences of the 20th century – the Second World War, the times of communism, the martial law of 1981. The most important figures of Polish culture in the field of literature, music, theater, film, and fine arts belonged to it and still do.
A number of events have been prepared for 2018 to mark this excellent jubilee, including composing competitions for a libretto project and music for ballet for children and a competition for the Polish hit of the year – 'Song for 100'.
Finals of the ZAIKS composition competition
26-10-2018 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin