Folk culture has been essential fuel for creators of artistic music for sometime now.. Nowadays, folklore is becoming the trademark of ensembles looking for new sounds, whose ambition it is to distinguish themselves from the common "streaming" o sounds described by Milan Kundera in the following words: "I cannot distinguish what is advertising [and what] is a song". The Polish-Ukrainian quartet combines elements of folk music, pop music and electronics, creating an interesting hybrid.
Rather than "yeah, yeah, yeah", "wow" or "come on" – a familiar dana, dana. Dagadana quartet’s concerts are an interesting combination of styles. This time, the quartet’s sound will be enriched with the performance of many splendid musicians. Their contribution guarantees a large dose of natural sounds, which together with the electronics create the characteristic Dagadana mix. Dagmara Gregorowicz's voice creates a warm climate in the shows, while the sense of humor, so often emphasized by reviewers, is hidden in the lyrics of the songs, many a time reminiscent of folk lyrics. Admittedly, the transfer of folk wisdom into a new philharmonic context highlights their captivating simplicity and universality.
08-05-2018 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin