“The Fifth Symphony has been the greatest musical event for years. Bigger than the compositions of Brahms or Tchaikovsky! It was magnificent yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow” – conductor Serge Kusewicki was conveying right after the American premiere of Sergiei Prokofiev's composition. The composer's portrait was published on the cover of “Time” magazine in November 1945. This is another example of the fact that music knows no borders, and that the sensitivity of the audiences to beauty on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is the same.
The Fifth Symphony was written in the summer of 1944, when the world was consumed by WWII. It was written in an isolated house 150 km from Moscow. For Prokofiev this piece constituted the end of a certain period in life. As he said himself: it glorifies the great human spirit, praises a free happy man, his strength, generosity and purity of soul”. At the same time he added: I can't say that I consciously chose this subject. It was born in me, it was an expressive scream. Music matured in me and filled my soul”.
Joy and heroism, elegant melodic skill, refined lyrism with tragic sounds, and the whole in harmony and affirmation of life – all this can be found in the Fifth Symphony by Prokofiev.
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Piąta Prokofiewa
24-03-2017 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin