We continue the #1884 project by inviting you to another accompanying event – a meeting devoted to the role of the Konzerthaus and Philharmonic in Szczecin, then and now. We will enrich it with a show of archival photos that show the transformations at Małopolska 48 over the course of 140 years.
The evening will begin with a recall of the 3D mapping show by Pushka_Studio##Pushka_Studio from October 2024, a show of archival photographs and historical materials related to the Kozerthaus. The City Conservator of Monuments, Michał Dębowski, will talk about the pre-war role of this building in the cultural and social life of Stettin at that time. The Konzerthaus was not just a concert hall – its interiors successfully housed restaurants, a winery and a beer hall, social gatherings were held, and the orchestra and musicians performed not only in the main hall, but also in the concert shell located in the adjacent garden. It was a place for meetings and the development of culture.
The next item on the program will be a conversation in which invited guests and experts in the field of culture, art and architecture will take part. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the change of function (or maybe not?) that the building located at Małopolska 48 has fulfilled over the years. Is the contemporary Philharmonic in Szczecin a place of similar importance to the former Konzerthaus? What role did and does music play in shaping the identity of the region? These are just some of the questions we will try to answer together.
Project #1884 is a Polish-German cross-border initiative, implemented in cooperation with partners from Germany. The Philharmonic has already cooperated with two of them on Polish-German initiatives, namely the Dominican Monastery in Prenzlau and Musikverein Pasewalk. Three institutions have joined the cross-border cooperation on this project: the Hanseatic City of Anklam, Tourismusverein Preznlau e.V. and Kulturverein Die Brucke e.V. Schwedt (Oder). Thanks to the involvement of experts and modern technologies, we want not only to bring closer the common history, but also to promote integration and dialogue between the inhabitants of the Pomerania Euroregion.
We invite you to take part in a journey through time and reflect on how cultural heritage shapes our contemporary times.
Projekt „1884” jest dofinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego (Fundusz Małych Projektów w ramach Programu Współpracy Interreg VI A Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie/Brandenburgia/Polska 2021-2027) w ramach celu szczegółowego 4.6 „Kultura i zrównoważona turystyka”.
Projekt „1884” – zadanie finansowane przez Miasto Szczecin.


#1884 | From the Konzerthaus to the Philharmonic
28-02-2025 17:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin