Andrzej Dąbrowski is a man of many talents. We know him primarily as a singer, jazz drummer, and composer. Still, this iconic figure of Polish music has also succeeded as a rally driver, holding the title of vice-champion of Poland in 1957 and winning numerous other automotive trophies.
In the middle of the last century, Dąbrowski was involved in forming Polish jazz. His career began in high school. From the very beginning, the artist was surrounded by extraordinary personalities, from which true musical legends quickly emerged, such as Jerzy "Duduś" Matuszkiewicz, Wojciech Karolak, Roman Dyląg, and Andrzej Trzaskowski. Dąbrowski's official debut took place at the Jazz All Souls' Day in 1958 alongside Andrzej Kurylewicz and Wanda Warska. He later played with a whole constellation of Polish and world jazz stars, including Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski, Krzysztof Komeda, Zbigniew Namysłowski, and Don Ellis. In 1970, he debuted as a singer, immediately achieving spectacular success. It was during this period that hits like Zielono mi and Do zakochania jeden krok originated.
Dąbrowski also had the gift of observation and the ability to use a camera, which resulted in a collection of fantastic photographs documenting the beginnings of the Polish jazz scene. Interestingly, the artist took up photography earlier than Ryszard Horowitz himself, with whom he had the opportunity to play music together. As a photographer, Dąbrowski collaborated with "Przekrój", "Polityka", and the weekly magazine "Motor".
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Good to be Green
27-04-2025 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin